This PA of the Day is from Matt Benzik.
From Matt: “Hi! Here is the Audio Engineering Societies Michigan Tech Student Sector submission. You see a lot of speakers made of wood but not many made of snow. The entire speaker is made from packed snow, then plywood baffles are iced into place for the speakers to mount to. We used 8 Eminence Delta 15-A, 6 Eminence ASD1001, and 24 MTX 12 inch subwoofers. It was all powered by 2 Crown XTI 1000, 2 XTI 4000, and 4 XTI 6000. The subwoofers were delayed to create a power alley down the middle of the campus and DJ’s played on top of the statue from 7pm to 4am.”
Here is a video clip from the event:
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